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EnGlobe https://www.corporatek.com/en/solutions/corporate-governance/ A Comprehensive System for Global Subsidiary Governance | |
OneTrust DataGovernance https://info.onetrust.com/ The OneTrust DataGovernance suite of tools helps businesses know their data in order to properly govern, utilize, and improve data quality. As a result, users are able to drive business value while complying with the latest privacy regulations and security frameworks within one central solution. | |
ContractZen https://www.contractzen.com/ Secure governance software for advanced contract management, board meeting management, entity management, e-signature, and virtual data rooms (VDR). | |
ProcessGene https://processgene.com/solutions/grc-software/corporate-governance/ The ProcessGeneâ„¢ GRC software suite provides a complete solution for Corporate Governance. The Corporate Governance software is implemented within days, immediately creating visibility and centralized control. |
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